Thursday, 27 December 2007
Bug fixed for Auto Report Service
*** Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
It is fixed and tested today in IGLO Malaysia and IGLO Guangzhou.
Monday, 24 December 2007
V5 VS V3
A baby was finally born after ten month pregnancy! Extreme V5 go live finally as planned before.
The V5’s practicability, stability, dependability and speed were improved compare to V3.
1. Practicability
We redesign the user interface of V5, compare to V3, V5’s user interface is more elegance, concision and exchange.
V5’s user interface: Header and details are in the same window, it is clear at a glance.
It is no doubt to say that everybody has different working style. Because of that,we make the new system with the character of retractility. User can arrange the detail’s column freely according to their favour. Besides, user can choose to hide certain item, indeed can differentiate certain item by using colours. This system has design “UserBehaviorMemorial” which cater to different user’s working habit. That’s mean the system will save the user setting preference into the system when user log out. This system will load the user setting preference automatically when user log in next time.
2. Stability
Extreme V5 was design with the latest Microsoft Dot Net Frame Work, so V5’s stability in Windows XP is better than V3.Besides Extreme V5 also compatible with latest OS Windows Vista.
3. Reliability
We recheck the old Database Store Procedure , correct the old problems. Besides, we change the Store Procedure to the new C# dot net code. It helps us to debug faster and efficiently.
4. Speed
The new system has better speed performance because we have use the latest Microsoft Dot Net Frame Work and improve the database access method.
According to the test, V3 spend 10.2 seconds to display 1000 records but V5 just need 3.9 seconds. The speed performance has improved 150% or above.
Extreme V5 has a good gene. We as parent feel proud when we look at our child (Extreme V5). However, our strive will not stop here. We will keep on improve the system until it grow up become a complete and perfect Warehouse Management System.
今年一月为了破旧立新,我们开始着手设计了新的库存管理系统 (Warehouse Management System) Extreme V5 用来取代旧有的 Biztrak Extreme V3。
经过怀胎十月,妈妈终于都自然分娩啦!新的Extreme V5在十一月成功诞生了!
比起v3, 新的Extreme V5有更好的方便性、稳定性、可靠性和速度。
1. 方便性
V5 重新设计了使用界面,比起V3 ,V5 拥有更漂亮,简洁,易用的界面。
V3的使用介面: 必须开多个窗口来完成一项输入;表头和细节分开两个窗口。
V5 的使用界面:表头和细节在同一个窗口,一目了然。
每个人都有不同的做事方式,我们把新程序创造得平易近人及具伸缩性。使用者可以自由调整细节的显示项目的顺序,以及显示/隐藏特定的项目, 甚至可以用颜色来分别特定的项目。本程序为了配合各个使用者的使用方式而设计了“用户使用习惯记忆功能”(UserBehaviorMemorial)。这个智能程序会自动载入使用者之前的习惯设定。
2. 稳定性
Extreme V5是使用了最新的微软”dot net frame work”, 配合视窗XP的稳定性比V3更好,它甚至能兼容最新的视窗Vista。
3. 可靠性
我们重新检查旧有的“Database Store Procedure”, 更正了旧有的问题。以及把旧有的“Store Procedure”转移成新的C# dot net 代码,这有助于我们以后除错“DEBUG”,更快更有效率。
因为使用了最新的微软”dot net frame work”, 以及改进了database 的存取方式。新的系统有更好的速度表现。
根据测试V3显示一千条的纪录所需要的时间是10.2 秒, 而V5 只需要3.9 秒,速度的表现提升了150%以上。
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Issues in 5.8.7
2. Item Variant is optional for an item. In our Item profile setting, we allow an item profile to exist without any variant. So our program should just generate the SKU without variant too.
There is no Item Variant for this item, you need to add the Item Variant record first.
UOM is mandatory to generate SKU. However, the message has grammar error
There is no UOM Profile record for this item, you need to add the UOM Profile record first.
should be
"There is no UOM Profile record for this item, you need to configure first at least one UOM for this item."
Last but not least, there is fatal mistake in our Item profile that needs an immediate remedy.
When user try to delete an item profile or its UOM, variant or SKU, our system HAS TO check if those item or particular combination of item has been used before.
Any master file in our system including transport mode, agent, source profile, pallet profile or etc must carry this attribute.
3. When we create an item profile with "Item Profile Wizard". The Production Date and Expiry Date of UOM record has to be both "YES" instead of both "NO"

4. When I first create a customer profile, I am able to save the branch detail and even set the default branch code of customer.
However, when I try to set up pallet source, I should be able to lookup the branch code that I have for this customer but I am unable to. This problem will not occur if I switch to browse mode and return back to the customer profile setup later.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Thursday, 13 December 2007
The last version of Year 2007 - 5.9.7 (Under Construction)
- Indicate if receive fully associated (done by Ah Kit).
- import receive, order (under construction).
- bin replenishment (under construction).
- pallet label - (IGLO MY completed, done by Ah Kit)
- prompt user if order not fully allocated (done by Ah Kit).
- show qty balance, pallet count and measurement in enquiry screen. (done by Anthony)
- Transport Mode, Transport Agent, Transport Route, Consignee Profile (done by Anthony).
- Able to print "Transfer Document" for filing purpose (pending).
- Bug fixed
- Add Reference No and Document Date filter in Transfer Wizard.
- Add a new function to allow user to generate receive from Issue.
- 一般用户可从入库单得知该入库单里的托盘是否与都有RFID晶片。
- 导入入库单及订单
- 产品补货
- 打印托盘标签
- 当用户要确认一张订单时,如该订单的无法完全满足客户的订购量,系统将会给用户一个提示。
- 实际库存查询表下方将显示“托盘总数”,“总数量”,“总度量”
- 可设置各运输资料
- 可打印英文版的转移单
- 转移精灵里加入“参考编码”及“单据日期”的搜寻
- 让用户可从出库单生产入库单
What's New in 5.8.7 (Final Release)
- Item Setup - one of the most wanted features in Extreme 5. You can create, edit and delete item related information in one screen.
- Item creation wizard - What if there is a new item from customer that you never receive before and it is start clogging our inbound receiving area.
Item Creation Wizard is here to save your day! - Customer setup - Needless to explain. Just to allow you to setup and maintain customer profile.
- Sortable Customized Report - One of the most annoying problem in user customized report interface is, it does not sort by Report No or Report Name! We tend to believe a neater environment is more productive than a messy environment.
- Generate pallet profile - Cater for CP operation in IGLO Malaysia. Kiss v3 good-bye.
- Able to print a tally form without entered transportation information - I am not sure how useful this feature is but who cares about transportation information when printing a tally form?!
- Order summary, Issue summary - We have summary in Receive, Transfer module. Hence, let's be fair to Order and Issue module too.
- Summary of Physical Inventory Enquiry Screen - We know every single detail of item in this screen, but can I have the summary of it?
- Right click on DataGrid to have "Find" - Some of the users don't even aware we have "Find" function which help them to search anything, (Yes, anything) in the datagrid. So, in this version, when you right click on the grid, you can choose whether to "find" anything or to re-arrange your datagrid columns to suit your mood.
- Showing Customer address if consignee profile is not selected in a Issue Module - In the previous version, if a user do not choose a consignee profile in an Issue Document, the name and address will not printed on Delivery Note. However, we think a computer system should be smart enough to print a customer name and customer's address on the DN header when a consignee is not selected.
- When we create a new document regardless or Receive, Issue, Order and etc, before user save a transaction, user is allowed to change customer code or branch, it will result invalid SKU error while saving. Hence, it is suggested system perform datagrid validation when user trying to change customer code or branch.
- Create Item SKU function for multiple item profile.
- Bug fixed - Unable to save more than one Pallet Type Item with Default = YES
- 产品设置
- 快速建立产品精灵
- 客户设置
- 自定报表的顺序
- 不经入库通知(ASN)或入库也可以产生托盘号码
- 无需输入运输资料也可打印理货单
- 在订单和出库都能显示摘要
- 实际库存查询可显示摘要
- 右击“表”如今有几个选项,其中一个是让用户可以找寻表里头的资料。
- 在出库单里,在5.8.7之前,如果没有选择发件人,DN单上不会出现客户的名称及其地址,5.8.7版后,如果出库单没有选择收件人,DN单上会自动打印出客户的名称和客户地址。
- 当用户新建一个单时,我们往往可以把表头的客户资料及细节的产品资料输入后在保存。在保存之前有可能会出现一个情况,那就是我们选了产品后还可以向转换客户或其分行。这样一来,客户资料和产品可能不符。因此在这个版本里,当用户转换客户或分行是,系统会做一次产品的检查,如发现有不符的情况,系统会提醒用户。