Thursday, 10 December 2015

What's new in 8.6.15 (December 10)

New Features:

1. Added [Item Tax Profile] in Setting

Added [Item Tax Profile] setting for record management purpose. (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

2. Added [Tax Code] in Item Profile

Added a new column [Tax Code] in Item Profile for record management purpose. (Please refer to Image 2.a) 

Image 2.a

3. Added Item Tax Calculation in Customized Report [Tax Invoice (AEF368)] 

4. Added [Bin Group Code] at Update Bin Profile Info

Added a new column [Bin Group Code] at the function of Update Bin Profile Info at Bin Profile setting. (Please refer to Image 4.a and Image 4.b)

Image 4.a

Image 4.b 

5. Remove customer restriction when adding Issue document at Request of Transport

User can now add issue documents from different customers into one Request of Transport. (Please refer to Image 5.a)

Image 5.a

6. Added Bin Profile In Stocktake at Release Reservation Wizard

Added new option of [Bin Profile in Stocktake] at Release Reservation Wizard. (Please refer to Image 6.a)

Image 6.a

7. Added new report [Delivery Order with Lot No. and Serial No.] at Issue Module

A new report of  [Delivery Order with Lot No. and Serial No.] is now available at Issue Module. (Please refer to Image 7.a)

Image 7.a

8.  Rename text in the confirmation dialogue box when printing stock count sheet.

The label of [Show System Quantity]  has been renamed as [Show Physical Quantity] in the popup confirmation dialogue box whenever user prints the stock count sheet. (Please refer to Image 8.a)

Image 8.a

9.  Added Filter Criteria in Source Profile setting

A filter criteria section has been added in Source Profile setting to improve the user experience. User can now short-list the source profile by filtering source code, source name or module source. (Please refer to Image 9.a)

Image 9.a

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

What's new in 8.5.15 (September 30)

New Features:

1. Added parameters to allow edit Attachment at POSTED status

A new field [Allow edit in POSTED status] has been added in Attachment setting in Warehouse Parameters. Now user can edit attachment even the transaction not in OPEN status when this option set as 'YES'. (Please refer to Image 1.a)
Image 1.a

2.  Address information in Customer Wizard is optional

Information about country, state, city, zip code and address are no longer mandatory in Customer Wizard. User can create new customer without insert any of them. (Please refer to Image 2.a)
Image 2.a

3. Added [End Loading Time] in Field Settings 

The field of [End Loading time] has been added in Field Setting for Issue Module. User can decide whether make this as a mandatory field when creating a new Issue document. (Please refer to Image 3.a)

Image 3.a

4. Added new fields in Import Item 

 Several fields have been added in Import Item which are [Item Category Code], [Item Billing Group Code], [Palletized], [Applied Base UOM], [Production Date (Mandatory)] and [Expiry Date (Mandatory)]. (Please refer to Image 4.a)

Image 4.a

Friday, 4 September 2015

Re-organize of Outbound Business Documents

Over the years, we have been creating many business documents for outbound processes, as for delivery process alone, different customer has different requirements in how a Delivery Note (Dispatch Note) or Delivery Order should look like.

It is time for us to consolidate and re-organize of business documents and we wish to use this blog post to explain the different of each.

Below is a more illustrative menu in Issue module. The menu Item in Bold are Delivery related, in which are Delivery Note or Invoice.

IMPORTANT: The top 2 menu Item "Dispatch Note" and "Dispatch Note Summary" will be deprecated in future version, therefore, please refrain to use it from now onward and start to get used for new business document explained below.
  1. Delivery Order
    1. Standard - This is the simplest form of Delivery Order with Item Code, Name, UOM and Quantity at the line level.
    2. with Base UOM - Certain customers requested to indicate base UOM in Delivery Order, for instance, a carton of chocolate with 10 inners.
  2. Dispatch Note (Temp Ctrl)
    1. Standard - Temp Ctrl stands for "Temperature Controlled", since Xtreme WMS was first designed for temperature controlled warehouse, the original Dispatch Note was designed to show temperature setting of the truck that does delivery.
  3. Customized
    1. Under the menu of Customized, there are bunch of Delivery Orders or Invoices that we customized for specific customers.

Friday, 28 August 2015

What's new in 8.5.15 (August 28)

New Features:

1. Added [Bin Code] in Receive Wizard

Xtreme WMS added an optional field [Bin Code] in Receive Wizard. (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

2. Added [End Loading Time] in Issue Header 

Xtreme WMS added [End Loading Time] field in Issue Header for tracking purpose. (Please refer to Image 2.a)

Image 2.a

3. Added [Palletized] field in [Update Receive Details Info] in Receive Module

Users can now update [Palletized] field by using the [Update Receive Details Info] wizard in Receive details. (Please refer to Image 3.a and 3.b)

Image 3.a

Image 3.b

4. Added [Item Category] and [Item Billing Group] in Item Profile
Two new columns [Item Category] and [Item Billing Group] have been added into Item Profile setting for the record management purpose. In order to look up available options for both columns, the user has to first set up these two profiles in settings. (Please refer to Image 4.a and 4.b)

Image 4.a

Image 4.b

5.  Supplier Profile has a new facelift

(a) Supplier profile user interface has been re-designed to enhance record management experience. Supplier record is now searchable through code, name and active status. Besides, it consolidates supplier address to facilitate the input process. (Refer to Image 5.a and 5.b)

Image 5.a

Image 5.b

(b) Users can assign supplier to the customer by using the new function [Assign to Customer] at the right top corner of Supplier Profile. It will prompt a dialogue box for users to choose customer code. (Refer to Image 5.c and 5.d)

Image 5.c

Image 5.d

6. Added [Active] column in various settings

Various settings have been added a [Active] column for standardization. Hence, users can only look up for options which active status is set to YES. Below is the list of amended settings:
  • Address Type
  • Apply Sequence
  • Bin Type
  • Bin Group
  • Customer Consignee
  • Customer Supplier
  • Customer Sender
  • Consignee Group
  • Consignment Source
  • User Defined Field
  • User Defined Field Option
  • Item Type
  • UOM Profile
  • UOM Class
  • Module Profile
  • Module Source
  • Source Profile
  • Pallet Type
  • Warehouse Profile 

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

What's new in 8.5.15 (July 8)

New Features:

1. Added option of [Show Barcode] in Report Profile

User now has an option to print out general reports with barcode of document no. Beforehand, user need to set up the [Show Barcode] option in [Print Report Control] in Setting accordingly. (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

As for an example shown at Image 1.a, [Barcode] of Dispatch Note in Issue module has been checked. Therefore, the printed report of dispatch note will show barcode of document no. at the top right corner. (Please refer to Image 1.b)

Image 1.b

2. Report menu in Issue module has been reorganized

Report menu in Issue module has been reorganized. Report of Delivery Order and Dispatch Note (Temperature Control) have been added as well. (Please refer to Image 2.a)

Image 2.a

3. Added [Pallet No.] in Receive Wizard

Xtreme WMS added an optional field [Pallet No.] in Receive Wizard. (Please refer to Image 3.a)

Image 3.a

Monday, 22 June 2015

What's new in 8.5.15 (June 22)

New Features:

1. Added [Barcode] in Item Profile

Added [Barcode] tab in Item Profile to allow users insert various barcode for tracking purpose. (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

2. [Barcode] renamed as [Reference] in Item Profile

Field name of [Barcode] in Item Profile, Item Profile Wizard and Import Item has been renamed as [Reference]. (Please refer to Image 2.a)

Image 2.a

3. Added [Receive Wizard] at Task Sidebar

A new wizard has been added to improve the efficiency of large amounts of data input by using scanner. This function can be found at [Wizard] in Task Sidebar's inbound category. (Please refer to Image 3.a)

Image 3.a

WMS will prompt an input screen that required user to insert Receive document no before proceed to next screen. (Please refer to Image 3.b)

Image 3.b

After WMS verified the existence of the inserted receive document no., it will show the receive details input screen. Currently the required fields are barcode, lot no. and quantity. (Please refer to Image 3.c)

Image 3.c

User can check the correctness of inserted data at [Summary] screen. They can delete the wrong entry by selecting it and click on [Delete] button and then print the scan data summary for further usage. (Please refer to Image 3.d)

Image 3.d

4. Added [Validate Scan Data] at Receive Details

After insert a large amount of data through Receive Wizard, now user has to verify and import the scan data into Receive details. This function can be found at [Validate Scan Data] in Receive detail. (Please refer to Image 4.a)

Image 4.a

WMS will match with the relevant Item SKU based on the inserted barcode when validation undergoes. If there is any error found, users can still import record partially and rectify the error record afterwards. (Please refer to Image 4.b)

Image 4.b

5. Added [Put Away to Existing Bin] in Receive Details

A feature to help user to put away new receive detail at the existing bin location can now be found at [Put Away to Existing Bin] at Receive details. (Please refer to Image 5.a and Image 5.b)

Image 5.a

WMS will locate a list of existing bin and pallet by matching the selected item SKU and the bin ledger. User has to decide the put away bin location and then click on the [Update] button to finish the task. (Please refer to Image 5.b)

Image 5.b

6. Added several data validation in Receive and Issue module

Several new data validation has been added in both Receive and Issue module to prevent insertion of invalid data due to carelessness. The system will prompt notification during release or post a document when the scenario below occurs (Please refer to Image 6.a): 

[Receive module]
(a) Difference between Shipment Time and Unloading Start is beyond 10 days.
(b) Difference between Unloading Start and Unloading End is beyond 1 day.
(c) Difference between Shipment Time and Pull Out Time is beyond 10 days.

[Issue module]
(a) Difference between Transport Arrival Time and Transport Departure Time is beyond 10 days.
(b) Difference between Start Loading Time and Pull Out Time is beyond 10 days.

Image 6.a

Thursday, 7 May 2015

What's new in 8.5.15 (May 7)

New Features:

1. Added Container Details in Issue

Added [Container Details] tab in Issue Module to allow users insert container details into WMS for tracking purpose. (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

2. Added [Halal Certification Body] in Settings

Added [Halal Certification Body] setting for record management purpose. (Please refer to Image 2.a)

Image 2.a

3. Added [Item Halal Certification] in Item Profile

Added [Item Halal Certification] in Item Profile for record management purpose. (Please refer to Image 3.a)

Image 3.a

Thursday, 2 April 2015

What's new in 8.4.15 (April 2)

New Features:

1. Added access log of Customized Report and User-Defined Enquiry (UDE)

System administrator can keep track on the users access information of customized reports and user-defined enquiry (UDE). (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

2.  Amended Pallet Label where Bar-code font has been changed to [Code 128]

Thursday, 26 March 2015

What's new in 8.4.15 (March 26)

New Features:

1. Address Type Lookup changes address information

When users lookup address type in Order and Issue module, system will retrieve and show relevant address information such as address line, state, city, country, zip code and etc. (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

2. Added column [Total Quantity] in ASN report

Total Quantity is now available in Advanced Shipping Note report. (Please refer to Image 2.a)

Image 2.a

3. Export data from Data Grid View to file

The option of [Include column header] now is checked by default whenever users want to export information from data grid view to file.

Image 3.a

4. Added column [Remark] in Import ASN

A new column [Remark] has been added in Import ASN.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Customer Experience Optimization: How to Prevent Warehouse & Inventory Errors with Cloud Management

Customer experience can make or break your ecommerce business.

In fact, 89% of consumers have stopped doing business with an ecommerce company after a bad experience, and a customer is 4X more likely to buy from a competitor if the bad experience was service-related rather than price-related.

What’s more is that consumers are 2X more likely to share a bad experience online than they are a positive one. To account for that negative experience, it would take 12 positive reviews to convince readers that the one issue was resolved.

Continue to read from Big Commerce Blog (

Friday, 23 January 2015

What's new in 8.4.15 (January 23)

New Features:

1. Added Bar code in Dispatch Note Summary

In order to facilitate the warehouse operation, bar code concept has been implemented in Dispatch Note Summary report. WMS encodes the Document No. into bar code with Code 128 symbology. (Please refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

2. Added new report [Goods Return Note] in Receive

3. Added new report [Receive Adjustment] in Receive

4. Added new report [Supplier Return Note] in Issue

5. Added new report [Issue Adjustment] in Issue

6. New column [Consignee Group Name] in Lot No. Costing's Minimum Selling Price

A new column [Consignee Group Name] has been added in Lot No. Costing's minimum selling price. (Refer to Image 6.a)

Image 6.a

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

What's new in 8.3.15 (January 15)

New Features:

1. Attachment in main modules

A brand new attachment feature has been introduced in this latest version of WMS. Users can attach any type of file (ex: PDF, Image, Word Document, etc.) in WMS modules.

(a) First of all, users need to define the attachment folder for each module in Warehouse Parameters. (Refer to Image 1.a)

Image 1.a

(b) A new tab [Attachment] has been added in each module. (Refer to Image 1.b) If the selected record already has an attachment, the system will show an icon as an indication. (Refer to Image 1.c)

Image 1.b

Image 1.c

(c) Users can select files to attach in [EDIT] mode by just clicking on the attachment button. (Refer to Image 1.d)

Image 1.d

(d) Once the selection being done, the system will copy the attached file to the destination folder that pre-defined in Warehouse Parameters. At the meanwhile, the attached file will appear in the attachment tab. (Refer to Image 1.e)

Image 1.e

2. Serial No. Input Wizard

(a) A wizard has been added in Receive and Issue module to facilitate the process of using Serial No. in incoming and outgoing stock. This new wizard can be found at Receive Detail functions and Issue Apply functions respectively. (Refer to Image 2.a and Image 2.b)

Image 2.a

Image 2.b

(b) For Receive module,users just need to select an item and insert a series of serial no. in the wizard. It will generate receive details according to those inserted serial no. and each of them has 1 in quantity. (Refer Image 2.c and Image 2.d)

Image 2.c

Image 2.d

(c) For Issue module, users can manually allocate stock with desired serial no. by using the wizard. WMS will check the stock availability based on those serial no. automatically before apply stock. (Refer to Image 2.e and Image 2.f)

Image 2.e

Image 2.f

3. New column [Palletized] in Item Profile and Wizard

A new column [Palletized] has been added in Item Profile and Wizard. If its value set as [YES], the require of pallet type item setting is compulsory. (Refer to Image 3.a and Image 3.b)

Image 3.a

Image 3.b

4. New Zone Profile setting

Zone profile has been added in the setting. It mainly caters for categorizing consignee and sender in a different zone. (Refer to Image 4.a)

Image 4.a

5. Consignee Profile has a new facelift

(a) Consignee profile user interface has been re-designed to enhance record management experience. Consignee record is now searchable through various filter criteria such as code, name, zone, group and etc. Besides, it consolidates consignee address and consignee zone into one to facilitate the input process. (Refer to Image 5.a and Image 5.b)

Image 5.a

Image 5.b

(b) Users can assign consignee to the customer by using the new function [Assign to Customer] at the right top corner of Consignee Profile. It will prompt a dialogue box for users to choose customer code. (Refer to Image 5.c and Image 5.d)

Image 5.c

Image 5.d

6. New Sender Profile setting

Sender profile has been added in the setting. It maintains sender basic information and also includes address and zone. (Refer to Image 6.a)

Image 6.a

7. New Salesperson Profile setting

Salesperson profile has been added in setting. (Refer to Image 7.a)

Image 7.a

8. New column [Term] in Customer Consignee

A new column [Term] has been added in Customer Consignee. (Refer to Image 8.a)

Image 8.a

9. New Report for Advanced Shipping Note

A new report has been added in Advanced Shipping Note. (Refer to Image 9.a)

Image 9.a

10. Consignment module

A new module has been added to maintain the consignment record.

11. Lot No. Costing module

A new module has been added to keep track the costing and selling price of products according to Lot No.