Users can bookmark the important documents and then retrieve it in the bookmark list when necessary.
For example, I would like to bookmark a document, GGRN-027106. So, what I need to do is go to the bottom of the details screen and click the Receive> Bookmark this Document.
例如,我欲将GGRN-027106加入书签。就在收货单的明细界面底部的菜单点击Receive>Bookmark this document
A "Bookmark This Document" window will be pop out. You may use the default title or change it to other meaningful words and you may give a tag for this particular bookmark. Once the work done, click on OK button.
“Bookmark This Document”视窗将会弹出。你可以选择使用默认的标题或改用一些有意义的文字。你也可以为此书签加入标签。当完成之后,就点击OK按钮。
To retrieve what has been added in the bookmark, go to the main menu>Tools>Personal> Bookmark (shortcut: Press Ctrl+R then click on Bookmark)
A sidebar menu will be shown on the left panel of the screen. Just double click the required bookmark title and it will be show.
2. Task 任务
Users now can record their tasks at the Task List. It can be personal or official tasks.
3. Combined Customized Report, User Defined View, and Bookmark into the left panel.
4. Delete (more than one line) allocated details line in Order and Issue module
Note: In the previous version, we need to go to apply tab in order to delete the applied line. But now we can delete the details and applied line in the details tab.
5. Generate Transfer document from the Ownership Transfer document
6. Combine Orders to generate an issue/picking document
By selecting more that one order header and click on [Generate Picking] or [Generate Issue]. In the pop up window, tick the check box of [Combine Document] and click on OK button. But the prerequisite for this function is, all orders must belong to one single customer or else the issue documents will be separated based on the customer code.
If the combine document option is not required, just highlight orders and select to generate the document. An Order document will be generated to one single issue/ picking documents.
7. Reuse the Order Documents
In previous version, if particular order has been used to generate picking or issue document then this particular order is not allowed to reuse. But now, we change this practice to more user friendly way. The order can be used to regenerate a brand new picking/transfer (provided that the previous picking/ issue generated from this particular order were deleted.)
8. A new field, Serial No is added to the Shanghai Pallet Label
9. Improved the performance of Search Wizard
If user leaves the keyword field in blank, system will default the searching area in deleted transaction. Whereas if the keyword field is filled and check box of [Include deleted transaction] is checked, users only allowed to use ‘Document No’ or ‘Remark’ as searching criteria in the drop down box. Or else, if the keyword is filled and the [Include deleted transaction] is unchecked, users can use ‘Document No’, ‘Reference No’, ‘Remarks’ ,‘Pallet No’ or all of the criteria listed in the drop down box as searching criteria.
10. Two more searching criteria added to the Item Profile (Customer code, Branch code).
在产品档案里加入了 ‘客户代号’ 及 ‘分行代号’这两个新的咨询关键栏。
11. Call out search wizard from datagridview
Way of use: In data grid view, select the targeted cell(where the searching will be based on the keyword selected) and right click select 'Find in search wizard'. This will bring you to Search Wizard screen directly and the searching output as well.
使用方式:在数据视图表内选出所需的关键字然后右击鼠键,选择‘Find in search wizard’.
12. Bottom menu shortcut keys.
Way of use: You need to press 'Alt' with: R = Report, F = Functions, D=Receive, H=Help & so on.
使用方法:按Alt+X(X 为刮弧里的字母)来唤出所需的目录
13. Reason Code Setup
14. Two new columns (Bin code and Item Type) are added into the Import Order Document .
在订购单导入里,加了‘库位’ 以及‘产品类型’这两个栏位。
15. Import Item Profile.
16. A new column, Profile Reference No is added to the Import Issue Document
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