Friday 8 March 2013

What's new in 7.7.13 (March 8)

New Features:

1. [Pallet Docket No.] and [Pallet Quantity] added in CDN Header.

2. [Pallet Monitor] added in Warehouse Parameters. When this option set to YES, Pallet ID will be inserted during posting a Receive and it will be deleted during posting an Issue if the pallet is being fully applied.

3. [Pallet Lookup filtered by Customer] added in Warehouse Parameters. When this option set to YES, system will filter out the pallet list by specified customer whenever lookup a pallet in WMS.

4. [Delete Unused Pallet] added in Warehouse Parameters. When this option set to YES, system will delete unused pallet if no transaction found in ASN pallet and Receive detail.

5. [Allow Bin Ledger Archive] in Warehouse Parameters. When this option set to YES, system will archive bin ledger while changing the financial calendar period to CLOSED status.

6. [Allow Issue Zero Quantity] added in Customer Profile. When this option set to YES, system will allow zero quantity inserted into Issue detail.

7. [Unit Price] and [Unit Cost] added in Customer Item. 

8. [Total Distinct Pallet Count] added in various transaction summary screen likes Receive, Order, Issue, Transfer, Ownership Transfer and Bin Ledger.

9. Added Shortcut key to Pallet Quantity (Ctrl+Shift+J) and Pallet Transfer (Ctrl+Shift+H).

10. Added function of  [Generate Pallet Fast Code] in Pallet profile.

11. During release a Receive document, system will prompt user if the pallet is being used in another transaction.

Fixed Bugs:

1. Error when validating item variant in Bin Replenishment setting.

2. Error when validating item variant in Transfer Wizard.

3. Error of unable to select relevant bin code in Warehouse: To at Transfer.

4. Error of generating filter criteria for columns [Bin Code Criteria] / [Pallet Type Criteria] / [Pallet No. Criteria] in Order, Issue and Ownership Transfer.

5. Error of parameters will be duplicated during overwriting a user defined view.

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