Friday 14 September 2012

What's new in 7.4.12 (August 22)

New Features:

1. Now Xtreme WMS allows users to set the Base UOM of an item and specify larger UOMs that are based on it. Therefore, users can monitor inventory balances and inventory movement base on different UOM of an item. There are several settings need to be changed before applying Base UOM in various transactions. Please note that Base UOM is configurable at item basis. By default, all items added are not applying Base UOM unless users activate them manually.

(a) In order to activate Base UOM of a particular item, users firstly have to set [Applied Base UOM] in Customer Profile to "YES".

(b) Secondly, users are required to tick on the check box and select one of the UOM as Base UOM.

(c) While assigning a customer to this "Base UOM enabled" item, please ensure that the assigned customer's Base UOM is activated; otherwise it will prompt error below:

(d) If users want to check inventory balances and inventory movements in other UOM, they have to specify the desired UOM in [Item Profile] > [Record] > [Default] > [UOM Code: Receive] or [UOM Code: Issue].

(e) System will calculate the converted quantity for other larger UOM base on record added in [Item UOM Conversion].

(f) After the setting of Base UOM has been done, users will find out there are two new columns appears in transaction modules which are [Base UOM Code] and [Base UOM Quantity] after selected a customer which is "Base UOM enabled".

(g) As an example in Receive module, whenever users insert an item with its Receive UOM "CTN", system will automatically look for its Base UOM and store its Base UOM Quantity after conversion. In case below, Base UOM Quantity = 13 * 6 = 78. This logic same applied to other modules such as ASN, Order, Issue, Transfer and Ownership Transfer.

(h) To monitor Inventory Balances and Inventory Movement in different UOM, please select an option in new added field [Show UOM].

(i) By default, system will retrieve inventory balances with default UOM.

(j) By selecting "Receive UOM" in the [Show UOM] field, system will re-calculate the quantity base on the specified Item UOM Conversion.

Fixed Bugs:

1. Error occurs when retrieving back-dated inventory balances.

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