Thursday 7 June 2012

What's new in 7.3.12 (June 7)

New Features:

1. Users are enforced to change password after certain configurable interval and system applies Password Policy to enhance login security.

a) Interval setting of changing password can be found under Warehouse Parameters > General.

b) Whenever the date that users last updated password is greater than the interval (in above case, it's 90 days) compared to today's date, users will be requested to change password during their next login.

c) Password policy is applied in this latest version. The requirements are:
    - Password must contain at least one upper case alphabet, lower case alphabet and number in any position.
    - Password's length must between 5 to 20 characters.
   Example of acceptable password: abcDEF123 / 77aA88

2. Added feature to update information of Advanced Shipping Note (ASN) header in batch.

a) Feature can be found at ASN Browse > Function.

b) Fields that available for updating as shown below:

3. Added feature to update information of Transfer header in batch.

a) Feature can be found at Transfer Browse > Function

b) Fields that available for updating as shown below:

Fixed Bugs:

1. User preference cannot be saved in Order and Issue Apply module.

2. Error in show/hide columns in DataGridView.

3. Interface error when adding item detail in Receive, Order and Issue module.

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