Wednesday 18 November 2009

What's new in 6.10.9


1. Replace Haisan Logo with Xtreme's in Login screen and Help About.

2. "Popup Edit Dialog if Only ONE record found" in Issue and Transfer Wizard to speed up data entry process for creating Transfer and Issue document. The value of this checkbox can be "remembered" in User Preference too.

3. User preference to 'remember' the Wizard (Issue, transfer) 3 areas height

4. ASN header add a column to indicate whether Receive has been generated.

5. System Setting Screen is now searchable!

6. Each customer can now has different format of business documents. Of course, there is one default Business document. i.e. Xtreme WMS is now able to maintain different format of Delivery Note for each of the customers. The control is under Appsetting.cfg file in "Config" folder.

7. Add Consignee Code in Issue Header Filter

8. New control! 1 CDN can only contains 1 Transport No.

9. User is now able to generate ASN information into a specific Receive Document No.

10. Bin Replenishment and Order Replenishment pick sequence now follows "Apply Sequence"

Bug Fixed

1. UI Bug Fixed : Issue --> Update Proof of Delivery --> Show data SAVED even no data changed. Disable OK if not edited

2. UI Bug fixed : Receive Details Copy & Paste Line not fully functional, Pallet No, Bin Code & Pallet type are blank. Furthermore, Bin code info is pasted to Bin code suggest field. Fixed!

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