Wednesday, 18 November 2009

What's new in 6.10.9


1. Replace Haisan Logo with Xtreme's in Login screen and Help About.

2. "Popup Edit Dialog if Only ONE record found" in Issue and Transfer Wizard to speed up data entry process for creating Transfer and Issue document. The value of this checkbox can be "remembered" in User Preference too.

3. User preference to 'remember' the Wizard (Issue, transfer) 3 areas height

4. ASN header add a column to indicate whether Receive has been generated.

5. System Setting Screen is now searchable!

6. Each customer can now has different format of business documents. Of course, there is one default Business document. i.e. Xtreme WMS is now able to maintain different format of Delivery Note for each of the customers. The control is under Appsetting.cfg file in "Config" folder.

7. Add Consignee Code in Issue Header Filter

8. New control! 1 CDN can only contains 1 Transport No.

9. User is now able to generate ASN information into a specific Receive Document No.

10. Bin Replenishment and Order Replenishment pick sequence now follows "Apply Sequence"

Bug Fixed

1. UI Bug Fixed : Issue --> Update Proof of Delivery --> Show data SAVED even no data changed. Disable OK if not edited

2. UI Bug fixed : Receive Details Copy & Paste Line not fully functional, Pallet No, Bin Code & Pallet type are blank. Furthermore, Bin code info is pasted to Bin code suggest field. Fixed!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Monday, 14 September 2009

What's new in 6.9.9


1. Add Field relationship: Supplier <--> Customer relationship
2. Add Field relationship: Consignee <--> Party Code (customer)
3. New: Import/Export feature for UDE
4. New: Alert on FUTURE Production Date
5. New: Alert on receive QTY larger than Qty per Pallet (config true/false in Setting)
6. New: ASN allow accept ZERO Qty (config true/false in Setting)
7. New: Customized Report Maintenance, Add in "Open Report Folder" feature
8. UI Enhancement: Quick Search for Customized Report/UDE UI
9. UI Enhancement: Select specific ROW in range, tick checkbox based on user input for DataGrid

10. Report: GRN, DN, Pick List Document add in 'Weight' info, Option in print dialog
11. UI Enhancement: Bin Group SelectGridView, add in Name field (Currently only display CODE)
12. New: Order Generate Issue Dialog, add a 'Separate by Consignee'
13. Reference No.'s length support up to 30 chars
14. UI Enhancement: Add 'Sum' total to "Generate Issue by Bin Ledger"

15. UI Enhancement: icon to indicate whether Remarks has content
16. Import Order & Issue, Add in new field, Consignee Code
17. UI Improvement: Import screen

18. UI Improvement: Grouping of Address in groupbox
19. Import ASN: add in Supplier Code field
20. Import ASN: Pallet per Qty become an optional field
21. UI Improvement: Document Summary (e.g REC, ORD) support COPY of total Qty, Measurement and SUM using mouse double click
22. New Function: Add "Delete Apply" function at Issue header level just like what we have in Order Header
23. WM Parameters: default Source Code for Bin Replenishment

Bug Fixed

1. UI Bug Fixed: OT-Summary shouldn't Enable when nothing selected
2. UI Bug Fixed: DataGridView F3 Find "End of Search" message dialog show behind find dialog, unable to close
3. UI Bug Fixed: All SelectGridView, allow to resize the column width
4. UI Bug Fixed: Bin Group Setting. Bin Group Name Length and incorrect error message
5. UI Bug Fixed: Import ASN-->Edit-->Cancel-->Quit Anyway. The Tab remain, and unable to Import again
6. Bug Fxied: Allocation of multiple Header not function.
7. Bug Fixed: Print Preview result is different from actual print out bug fixed. (DN visible field is not printed out)
8. UI Bug Fixed: User Profile Reset Password and Change Password are disable even row selected
9. Bug Fixed: UDE Code with comma '(' and ')' will cause error when user click show button
10. Bug Fixed : Customized Allocation Sequence for Order module. It didn't actually work in the previous version.
11. UI Bug Fixed: ExtremeLabelTextbox component, paste will remove the existing text
12. UI Bug Fixed: Issue-->POD-->Reason Code remain enabled when Opened issue is Edited then cancel
13. Bug Fixed : Disable ESC to quit directly from Settings Dialog
14. Bug Fixed: Transfer Unable to Generate Issue, Profile_Reference_No length mismatch in Transfer(40) & Issue(20)


15. UI Cleanup: remove AAN related setting from WM Parameters
16. UI Cleanup: remove Others Tab from WM Parameters

Monday, 10 August 2009

What's New in 6.8.9

New Features 新功能
1. Added "Copy User Defined Enquiry" function in User Defined View Maintenance. This function enables you to duplicate new UDE from the existing UDE.
2. Added Shelf Life in Item Profile customer item.
3. Added Bookmark Description.

4. Message inbox list added a 'Flag' for user to highlight email.

5. Skip "Release" status, open --> posted.
But need to be setting at the WM Parameters by selecting YES for Skip Release.

6. Added "Supplier Code" to ASN Screen.

7. Transfer screen able to transfer 'Variant Code". Also added reason code at the Transfer details screen.

Improvement 改进处
1. Close All Windows(Tabs) by pressing Ctrl + Delete
按Ctrl + Delete 来关掉所有的 Tab界面。
2. UI: Tab Re-order
3. Simple UI to modify many Customer Status (Active/Inactive).

4. Customized Allocation Logics (Order by...)

Bugs Fixed 已解决的问题
1. Report Tab exception error.